The best essential oils for sore throat

Sore throats make it difficult to swallow, hard to eat, painful to talk and often affect your sleep. The cause of a sore throat is usually a viral infection, like the flu or a cold, or a bacterial infection as in the case of strep throat. However, allergies and sinus issues can cause a sore throat too, as can environmental factors like mold exposure, the weather or even air conditioning.

The best essential oils for sore throat

If you’re suffering from a sore throat, you don’t have to rely on lozenges or sprays - you can also go the natural route. Using essential oils for sore throats has proven to be very beneficial in numerous cases, and there’s scientific research that backs up why.

In this guide, you’ll find out everything you need to know about using essential oils for sore throats. From understanding how these oils calm inflammation and reduce pain to how best to use them in the safest, most effective manner - it’s all here.


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